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Help Your Homeschooler Become a Confident Writer . . .
Getting Started (7:41)
Module 1: The Writing Process
Lesson 1: Overview of the Writing Process (5:19)
Lesson 2: Step 1: Prewriting (6:09)
Lesson 3: Step 2: Drafting (4:30)
Lesson 4: Step 3: Revising (4:35)
Lesson 5: Step 4 and Step 5: Editing and Publication (4:39)
Module 2: How to Evaluate Student Writing
Lesson 1: How to Use the Assessment Guides (5:32)
Lesson 2: Troubleshooting Common Errors (3:09)
Module 3: Writing a Summary
Lesson 1: Assignment Instructions (Summary) (8:20)
Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Eliminate Wordiness (4:01)
Module 4: Descriptive Writing--Place
Lesson 1: Assignment Instructions (Descriptive--Place) (16:41)
Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Using Precise and Vivid Language (2:36)
Module 5: Narrative Writing--Personal Experience
Lesson 1: Assignment Instructions (Personal Narrative) (12:39)
Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Writing Introductions (5:35)
Module 6: Expository (Informational) Writing: Create a Guide
Lesson 1: Assignment Instructions (Create a Guide) (11:56)
Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Writing Conclusions (5:33)
Module 7: Persuasive Writing--A Review
Lesson 1: Assignment Instructions (A Review) (10:20)
Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Writing Thesis Statements (6:35)
What's Next? (2:27)
BONUS: Journal Writing
Instructions for Journal Writing (8:52)
BONUS: A Grading Rubric for Almost Any Essay Assignment
How to Use the Grading Rubric (12:39)
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Lesson 2: Focus Skill--Eliminate Wordiness
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